Your text is a bit... large. Edit: You fixed it now :) I like the aesthetic layout of it, it looks very cool, although I can see one or two...
Remake Duel of the Fates on Sandbox or I will be inclined to do so myself :)
I like this concept, it's something I hadn't really considered before, but definitely is a good idea for class based games.
Oh sorry I was unaware, I was linked to it from another thread that isn't outdated, it was a collaboration of threads that help your map layout,...
I pretty much agree with all of these statements, however I would like to point out that in some maps, these rules need to be broken in order for...
Well done, I hope this guide inspires more than just better built infection maps, because it makes a statement about the direction that forging...
I have seen this map before, except it was just the hand and one lift to get up top, it was played fiesta style and there were random falling...
and minigames own...
Re: Tunnel Rats 2 looks good enough to download i guess... and i like the waterfall... tho i don't see its point... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
dude omg no ways!!!! its perfect!!!!!!
Hmm ill have a whopper no onion... large fries... umm... should I get a pie? I dono it might make me feel like a fatty... Anyways yah can you...
Yes but in the 101 article it doesn't mention this...
Ooh my mistake i see someone else posted this aswell... :squirrel_giggle: a mod can go ahead and delete this thread... :squirrel_blush:
I forget who but someone in the shoutbox the other day mentioned this so don't credit me with it :squirrel_wtf: However he said that in areas...
Ooh id like you to make me a playboy bunny themed one... :squirrel_rocking: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Your sad attempt at an irish accent depresses me... but wanna see a real leprechaun? Look no further... One was found in a tree in mobile...
Re: The X-Factor 1 vs. 1 hard to understand from the pictures...
Ive noticed that many people are suggesting weapons that go against the whole point of halo... halo is about guns grenades and melees.... people...
I love this map! Its amazingly well made and has so many interesting feautres. Its an unbelieveable map however I think it could have been done a...
Hmmm I dont have photoshop or paint... I has a mac see... I dont know what I would want in mine... Probably a Lemon :squirrel_wtf: Though also...