i can be constructive, i promise...: looking at this map in forge.... oh god i prefer to look at the overly noisy images because the effects...
and you wonder why you get attacked? ****ing asshole.
the majority of the members here are ignorant though. they have know real solid understanding of map design and refuse to actually listen to...
its not THCs fault that the people here are ignorant and refuse to learn. all the knowledgable that post here or used to post here came from the...
i would have thought you'd guys would have known schitzel long enough to know when he's just taking the piss ..
when did i get here? look at the member since information under my username and picture .. the performance drops isn't from the light, its from...
so fare in 4v4 slayer, the spawning is happening away from the action in relitively safe locations, in the 2v2 though it seemed to want to spawn...
er, you did the bridge where the 2 dishes are and tried to add a platform with a ramp connection on both sides to the floor, i instead took that...
yea, that little bridge you added helped me finnish the map of, thanks for that. its playing well in slayer, haven't done any objective testing...
yea, in all honety the map needs more testing, i did change up the spawning a bit but it actually made things 10x worse sadly, a lot of the spawn...
The Park The Park is a 4v4 asymmertical map built on the island, there is good height elevations and lines of sight, no one position is to...
i know, sketching out ideas is whats recommended and actually taught at school, i just can't translate what i have on paper into workable map.
i would have thought your 16 years of experience would have made you good at designing maps, guess not.... me, i just stare at forge world long...
it doesn't still stand, if i had selfish reasons behind it my extreme hatred would say that no one deserves a feature which obviously isn't true....
what friends? i hate everyone ...
why not just call it narrows, because, you know, it is narrows .
you criticized his map so he'll look for none existant excuses to crticize your map.
thats a total load of bullshit, i've given you valid and usefull feedback a lot and you've always brushed me aside as a troll and i've never once...
as a forger, you should be willing to listen to and accept feedback from everyone, even if its negative as long as its constructive then you...
you did that to mean once actually, i got extremely defensive but i did actually listen and learned a lot from it, a ton more then i got from...