the circle or JERK eh? :P but seriously, stop looking down on the feedback and take it, i can see how its entirely possible that you've never ran...
still linking to the old topic, see my sig for newest one..
you're linking to the wrong select..... he posted a newer version of it in a new topic
halowaypoint on the xbox...
that's it, i'm done, 343i have no ****ing clue on what they're doing.... this is just speechless and priceless.
an "MLG" map? simple, all you do is put down 2 bases, 2 towers, spawns out in the open and call it onslaught.
pictures now moved to OP
this, its's typical of any forum to set the minimum height of a post to that of the avatar+info, since sigs are always below the post it can...
don't get rid of sigs but do enforce more stricture use of them, the way some people set them up can be really distracting and portfolios would be...
so shotgun spawns in the bases with the only way into the bases being covered by a shield door or a CQC corridor..... do i even need to explain...
about all this architect crap, i don't think we should have a social ladder for people to try and climb, people should just be able to jump in and...
you know, all this stuff from the ex-staff makes me wonder if they actually care for the community because all i've seen so fare is complain and...
check the todo list ;)
thanks but you know me, i'd much rather know where the map fails so i can learn from it. i also say lazy walls are good in moderation to extend...
last one got locked and i'm to lazy to request it getting unlocked, plus all the crap in the locked one its just better and easier to re-post it...
The Park - Download Link The Park is a revisit of the last map i made in reach also called The Park, the whole map started from me noticing...
and i thought we were going to get off the corrupt topic... .
adsense, google won't put ads on or of adult sites and of course those ads would help pay to support the costs of hosting the website so there...