This is what I've been looking for in a Sandbox map, we've all seen those arena thats have great gameplay, but they have no aesthetic taste. This...
Looks cool but honestly you should've called it something from Star Trek
I first looked at it and I wasn't impressed. Then I noticed how you used every possible piece that could be used to make something unique and I...
You don't have to call dibs on it, no ones really gonna care too much about the map since most people on here (no offense) aren't THAT good at...
When people say "Fairness" and all you talk like everybody in there is whiny little 10 year olds that are too darn triggerhappy to race. I'm just...
The only real Drag race map I've played on is on High ground but due to forge limits the map (However awesome) Isn't a fully done, no cheating...
The map is very pleasing concept, And it does look like a lot of fun and I would enjoy it. Thats when I get Halo 3 Back of course. Well Done,...
Yeah some constructive critiscism here Its like how I failed at making an Avalanche race map, never want sharp 90-degree turns with you only...
There is no better simple lap track that is out there or could be made, well done
I have to say, This map looks really good, The Bridges back in Halo: CE were awesome and you just did them justice. I am a fan of multi way...
I don't want to sound like a douche but it looks like you went on Sandbox without a single idea and slapped down items and thought they looked...
it seems like a much-MUCH better version of Jenga and a blending of Firefighters. I have to say I like the idea, that last pic looks reallly...
OMG HOW'D YOUD GET RECONZ nah lol, cool map dude, looks like tons of fun because its probably is. Nice work But if your thinking about a V2 or...
Electronic needs to shut up, anyways, finally a gribox variant, just like Roosterteeth was hoping to see from fans. I'll download, i do like...
I look at this map and it reminds me of this one game i used to play powered by Adobe Shockwave Drift N Burn 2 Thing is I loved drift N burn...
Ah yes, another amazing job of another amazing map. Sandbox ftw and this Map (and Tombston remake) for the win!!!!
Wow, look like the first good racetrack for Sandbox, well done. I especially like the ring and the Tin cup bounce
Im one of those lucky mythic map pack owners. So feel free to add me to the list
That was one hell of a map back in Halo 2 (I remember i'd own with dual SMG's) and your remake, looks almost perfect resemblance. so far. I...
Dude, When I saw Crypt The first thing I thought was Hang'em High or as you call Tomstone. And wow... I loved that map and I'm gonna love this one...