yeah but the details for race were so slim then if even inexistent. And apparently you didn't catch the fact he said "Turning them on and off"
I think we'll see a pretty big drop in Call of Duty come time for Black Ops. I think Medal of Honor, and Halo Reach will be coming out on top at...
Bungie's the only developer that has given me so much in an FPS. While most FPS titles only offer gamers a single player campaign (That usually...
At 4:52 in the link below. Okay he might not have said forgable weather. But he did say they ARE changing the weather in maps YouTube - Lars...
Sorry I realized I posted this in the wrong section of the forums. It should've gone in halo reach discussion. i can't seem to find a thing to...
They're all great maps but the symmetry and interlocking of Pest is something I haven't seen in a while now. Not to mention very aesthetically...
Combating with the Ps3 fanboys in this article finally gave me the reason to just write a totally seperate article on my own blog here so that I...
I can see this is gonna be one tough ass game. Judging by the look it seems easy to get around but I don't know too much from there. Either way...
I saw that comment you made in a persons signature, Sry I had to do it. [IMG]
This is what Most competitive gameplay maps have been missing. Bautiful Aesthetics to Polish off the field of play. With the beauty this map looks...
I can see how hard it is to forge on ghost town and to forge it properly just makes this amazing.
yes the proper way to introduce air battling in skybox
Racetrack is decent and I'm a sucker for good aesthetics so you got my download
And I didn't think a fast paced track on orbital was possible Heres to proving me wrong! Downloaded and will be playing tommorow
Its cool and all, but This hardly stays true to Death Race (which was one of the most basdass movies I've seen in a long time btw) It seems like...
Okay I'll offer an actual name or a list of name and of course you decide Apostasy (Its a fancier word for Heresy) Divinity The Codex (In...
I am grateful for the amazing forgemaps thanks to Sandbox But What most are missing is beautiful Aesthetics to go along with a good map. This does...
This is Like Firefight before we actually Have firefight. The Class Idea is amazing as well
There was one already like this but this one wins, Espcially the ladder, does it really work?
Amazing job, the tower is awesome, and just that ramps that allow the warthogs to keep going is a small detail that I think makes me want to...