Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I would agree that there is no flow, but as you can see from the stock that the colors were kinda difficult....
Let me clear this up... My focal is the soldier. My focus on making this request was to make good text... Not make the text the focal...... Does...
I understand, and yes; the stock was a *****. I had to render the focal and even add on an part of the gun, which if you counted the holes in the...
Thanks for the input!!! And idk about the post thing.
[IMG] [IMG] Heres the stock. Focused on the text this time.
border was experimental. My grad maps were made by me, and that means they are not good lol. Thanks for the positive reinforcement :)
LOL. You better have been joking -.-
[IMG] Eh. I hate JB, so whatever.
nope. For interest and a hobby. I jump around forum communities.
this all scares me.
make a new layer and put it on the top. Apply the image. Go to filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur go to 10 and press ok. Put it to overlay and you...
the text is on overlay. Our GFX manager tells us to blend the text kinda. Maybe I went over board. But thanks for the CnC!
4/10 Duotone colors are a no go. The text is really bad. Quit doing borders. Too dark and the lighting source feels awkward and misplaced. And...
RULE OF THIRDS. Use it. He just blurred the tattoo big time.
Made this for my other forums, I like this piece a lot and it didn't take me very long to make! [IMG]
well, like the text is kinda distracting, but its better than all the negative space in your sig area. Not digging the reflection because its like...
Thanks for the CnC!! I have already modified it on my other forums :)