I tried to fix it! Honest! Why are you always building something like that in that same spot whenever I join?
I'm up for a co-forge.
Never mind. I've got an hour.
**** **** ****.
I can't play today!!! Arrrrghhh!!!
****. Why did my mother have to choose TODAY to start limiting my Xbox time? >:| >:| >:| >:|
We aren't playing for half an hour.
I meant the whole thing in total. Looks like it should be fine, now. =)
Kajhit FTW!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I'm so excited!!! :D :D :D :D
Your signature is 112 pixels too tall. Maximum height is 200 pixels. I thought I'd let you know before a moderator sees.
Advice, mainly. Perhaps you could help me build small parts of it, though.
I'm working on a single player puzzle that uses the haloball gametype. It would be much appreciated if you could join my game sometime and help me...
The title only changes in the thread, not the thread listing. Only mods can change the title there.
Or a teleporter that spawns after 90 seconds, teleporting players to the second floor as they spawn.
I don't know. But I don't see why the prize should be limited to a selection. After all, they won. They should get to make one up.
Wow. I didn't even notice this thread. If there is a game that I buy in the next two years, it'll be this.
Well, nowadays you see "My Favorite File" more often than not, so clearly the majority of maps are pretty good.
First place in the contest gets a custom title! :D