Sweet! I wish the inside of it had a camera so we could all see.
That is extremely cool.
CF's gamertag is ConfuseFlamingo now. Might want to fix that, too.
By the way, for that table a few posts down there, I used: [noparse][table][tr][td]Confused...
Here's a new loyal image for the TG members list: [IMG] [noparse]http://i.imgur.com/NTxNT.png[/noparse]
Oh, Rats Nest. Definitely. I'd just forgotten what most of the maps were.
If this happened, I'd want Construct, High Ground, and The Pit.
Banding your dudes?
Halo 2. <3
[table][tr][td]Confused Flamingo[/td][td](ConfuseFlamingo)[/td][td]3.67[/td][/tr][tr][td]Psychoduck[/td][td](The Psycho...
The loyal colors in the TG members list look so weird. Use [noparse][/noparse] or something instead.
I was killed by a noob.
Me, a mod? I wish. I have lots of schoolwork, and a new job, so I don't have nay time left over for Xbox. I'll be back.... eventually.
If you read the description, you would know it is an invasion map.
When the zombie is set to invulnerable, they can still be assassinated. Give the humans 0% damage to prevent them from assassinating, and the last...
Dude! Where'd you and spawn get those sigs!!??
I thought it was going to be during Halo Fest.... or has that already been?
Get a new Xbox. Get a new TV. Download your GT from Xbox Live onto the new Xbox. Use a memory stick/pen drive/flash drive to copy your maps and...
Hahaha. Awesome. :D