hey linu change it back batman
happy birthday! ha ha its on april fools i wonder how many times you have been tricked into what you got
happy b daiy. so whats new... wait ha im 2 months older woot. jk anyways have a good day
wow i didnt even know that oh well thanx you just made my life just a little easier
wow mabey i should change the title to nicolas cage: good or bad actor and get it moved to the debate forum
the reason why you thought it sucked is because you didnt pay attention to the religios side of the story ex. when they put the 2 kids on the new...
Well i just came back from Nicolas Cages new movie Knowing and honestly i thought it was amazing! first off the disasters in the movie were...
ok ya you can come but you have to sign up its a private TGIF hosted by sargeantsarcasm so heres the link and just follow the instructions just...
hey ya i can test it but it wont be until next friday because then i will have a big enough party to test. (i only have about 4 friends that still...
i dont know about you but i didnt know that the mythic maps came in the LCE of halo wars until after i opened it. hey call me a noob but i thought...
we dont eat mooses thats just a stereotype "eh" besides i dont know what your talking aboot
oh by the way mcdicks doesnt count as ethnicity
hey i know something i can gloat about we have roll up the rim to win! wait you probaly dont know what that is... hmm
stop god dam gloating!!!
hang on hang on are you still testing? if not can you just send me the map so me and a few friends can give it a try? anyways looking forward to...
not going to say anything stupid, not going to say anything stupid, not going to say anything stupid oh well... YOU LUCKY SON OF A
okay thanks thats going to be fun and have fun on your trip to florida while um stuck up in canada with -20 C...
no i would like to be a host for FH TGIF like vorpal saint or you but thats beside the question
hey are you going to have another community experitment TGIF because if not i was thinking of starting my own TGIF but if you were going to have...
- UserName: Pennywiez - Creation Date: 3/21/09 - Design: [IMG] variation 1: [IMG] variation 2: [IMG] variation 3: [IMG] - Progress...