holy S**T that is all i have to say, Amazing job hunter that is (as said above) the greatest statue i have seen made in forge to date! just wow...
heres a style i was trying and i think it turned out okay [IMG] [IMG] p.s. which one
so the name means a cloud high up and on fire? other than that looks pretty cool
hey ya thats ok
hey if you want to play at about 9:30 central today send me a message btw im a hunter. p.s. my file just corrupted and i was a lvl 31 hunter now...
ok this is just my first version of this new sig for remembrance day (Canada) in november. im not going to use till november starts but until then...
[IMG] i had to make a book mark for my school bookmark making contest so i made this and it turned out to be my new sig to. just with different...
oh cool thanks
the gas mask took a while to make from a real gas mask to a solid and make the lines almost perfect but it would be nice if it is possible that...
stay positive, think positive
your welcome but how did you know? anyways i chose it mostly for the "water" effects
guess what thats actually a real picture that was photoshopped into looking like a model in fact heres the real picture (stock) [spoiler]
sorry heres the update now you can actually see it. [IMG]
thats pretty cool but a little less bloom on the airplane though see how that turns out
well i had to go to the dentist but at least i made the best burgers on the BBQ
happy canada day to all my fellow canadians!
were you able to see silverstein introduce them though. they said "Introducing Nickleback!" the guy next to me in the mosh pit got so pissed off...
it was in winnipeg *CANADA* (thought it was kind of obvious from the title)
your in luck im showing them tomorrow im just showing you guys so i can make final changes for tomorrow
thanks and use tuts they really help