It'll be called the the Second Half of the Mythic map Pack.
Forgehub name: Metzelda Gamertag: Metzelda
Sign me up please.
Sign me up too, I love playing Rocket Race on Multi Team
Assembly download link here Orbital link here Dont bother downloading them it wont work
The Sandbox download link is here, but if you try downloading it, it wont go to your maps bungie is just letting us know it exists.
Commander, 35 Lone Wolves
The Gunner, even without a Driver a Gunner can still Gun down opponents but he cant move though.
Helmet: ODST Shoulders: Mark VI Body: Hayabusa
Top 10 1. Custom games 2. Forge 3. Matchmaking 4. Killing Sprees 5. Getting Mvp in a Squad Battle 6. Anything higher than a Double Kill 7....
The Hallway [img] The hallway is Designed for close combat using highly powerful weapons Using: Plasma Grenades: 16 per side Spike...
I could use some help earning this acheivement. My gamertag is metzelda if anyone wants to help.
I would Like These Objects added... Weapons: Missle Pod Mounted Turret Shade Turret Equipment: Cloaking Invincibility Grenades that explode on...