I think this is a way better version of the level, Way better then the default version, Great Work! 5 out of 5
This map looks tight, I like hoe you merge the 4 power cores together and put the teleporter on top, It made it look all sci-fi and junk. Great...
looks action packed! crazy in fact! Its sure to attract! 4 out of 5
That looks crazy as hell! Good Map! Really like how u went all out on it, Nice Job! 4 out of 5
Looks like a tight slayer type map, or KotH, I would think of it more as a KotH map though, 3.5 out of 5
Nice short race map, I like it. The first jumps the best! 3.5 out of 5
This map looks incredible, It is well detailed, The design is awesome The interlocking is nothing short of amazing! Truly Great Job!!! 5.5 out of...
AMAZING! I LOVE IT! Love the Wrath on top, To imitate the top cannon! 5 out of 5
Great use of interlocking, And the arks that connect the hallway are beyond belief AMAZING! Awesome Job!!! 5.5 out of 5 (I barely ever give out...
Looks pretty good, Nice use of interlocking, And i really like the water fall, But the treehouse looks a little sloppy, Other then that everything...
This looks like an amazing map, i would say the design and look of it all looks fantastic! Amazing Job Dude!!! 5.5 out of 5 (I never give above...
This is probably the most complex soccer field ever! I really like it, The soccer ball respawn system is really an awesome design! 5 out of 5
You really need some pictures man! That would help people to envision your creation!
Looks like a really awesome map, The hallways and rooms look really well interlocked, And It looks as if anyone could have a good time playing on...
very nice layout, not very much interlocking, but really overall a good map! 3.5 out of 5
Hey Dude when your not doing anything can you give me some good feed back thanks if you can!
Dude thats pretty tight! 3.5 out of 5
Dude, When I saw this for the first time, I almost **** my ****ing pants! 5 out of 5
Nice job! 4.5 out of 5
This is a very well done piece of work! 5 out of 5