This is a very fun game, I've played it with my friends many times, I'd recamend it highly, Nice Job!!! 4.5/5
Looks long, I really like long race maps it makes it more sapencful, And fun for what it worth, Anyway, Great Map!!! 4/5
Looks like a great map, love the interlocking and the ark with the invisiblity on top of it, Very Well Done!!! 4.5/5
It looks like an OK map, the bases could use more realinement, but other then that it looks pretty good, Nice. 2.5/5
Nice job, All I would say u could do better is a little interlocking, Other then that it looks like you got a great level on ur hands, Good...
Looks ok, just the pics don't give a real good feel for the map, don't look like its a fun map to me, because of the random pictures, sorry. 2/5
Looks ok, I would try to add more to the inside of the actually map, but looks pretty desent. 2.5/5
Hey dude I really like this map, Interlocking looks fantastic, I really like the bridges interlocking at the end out the map, That part is...
I thought that there was a barrier above blackout, But I guess that every thing's possible in forge!!!! Anyway looks really awesome, Nice Job! 4/5
Really awesome layout dude, And that little grav thing coming out of the floor, forging genius! 5/5
I've had to say this a lot Get more pics, But I will say that from what i do see, That I looks like a pretty creative map.
Looks pretty good, Really like the platforms just chillin out there, The only thing I would say that I don't like is, The weird crate building it...
looks pretty nice, Love the fence wall ledge, Great Job 4/5
i really like this map, It looks like you coulds have a really good time on it, Love the floating box, Nice Job 5/5
Hey nice man, This looks really tight man I really like how u tilted the stairs to make them steeper, inside likes pretty tight to, Anyway, Great...
Pretty cool, You don't see many forged maps on ghost town, Really well thought out, Nice Job 4/5
I like all the sheild doors it has, And I like the second ramp, Really Nice Map! 3.5 out of 5
Looks like an awesome map, I really like the random flag out of the flood outbreak, But anyway, Nice Map!!! 4/5
Very original, I have to say that its a pretty cool attilary, It reminds me of battlefield:BC, Very Nice
this looks like a really good map, very intricite design, it looks like you spent a lot of time and effert on this map, Very Nice Job