Yay! Finally, a new Sim City game! I love love Sim City. I had Sim City 4 deluxe with rush hour. That game was so addictive. I wonder how well...
My longest headshot ever was 429 meters! Who can top that? I'd love to hear of your longest headshots!
I actually really like the grids. I was trying to capture a classic "video gamey" look. The grids were perfect in the fact that they have patterns...
I had sony vegas and it was confusing! I was just asking you because my Final cut express pro is acting up and wanted to find another software to...
I've just played this with my bro and let me tell you! The puzzles were definitely challenging. The room after the Killball room had us stuck for...
Well, after you've killed Pac-Man, you start a new round and someone else may become Pac-Man. And I also pretty much like the plasma grenades...
[IMG] The Story: After the death of his wife, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man had nothing else to live for. Anger and vengeance was the only thing...
The Hunters are now the hunted! Pacman is shrouded in rage and is on the hunt for the monsters who killed his wife! The infected are the Ghosts...
[IMG] The Story: After the death of his wife, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man had nothing else to live for. Anger and vengeance was the only thing keeping...
What kind of video editing software do you use?
I wouldn't be able to honestly tell you because im such a KH fanboy and would lie to you just so I dont have to say a KH game kinda sucks. So...
I like how to name of the map reminds me of the a song by The Middle East...
Im forging my very first race map. Its a time paradox themed race map, but my inexperience is hindering my progression. I cant seem to make the...
planning is for pussies! just kidding =) I usually hop into forge mode with the intentions of wanting to forge something. As ideas continuously...
Infection maps are usually notorious for becoming uniteresting, so its good to see an infection map featured. I myself being an infection...
I usually run out of "building blocks" and "walls & windows" when I forge maps and have to turn to using inclines and bridges. So I would remake...
The first car I want to own is a 2004 BMW 325i [IMG] And the Dream car that I will kill my kitten for is a 2003 or 2007 Porsche Carrera GT!!!...
okay, i found out the problem. When my XBL account was stolen, the thief changed the WLid that was formely on my GT to something else. So the...
So I've recently finished an Unauthorized Access Investigation a couple days back. When I got my Xbox Live account back, I was also given a new...