Well geez, sorry. I didnt mean any harm; I was only joking. I actually enjoy reading long text instead of the usual short paragraphs... I...
Umm, shatakai and camel, pleez make yu wrds sharter fo me to read. I have a very short attention span -__- You guys can literally publish a book...
So when are they going to fix that import bug? I have 2 shepards, one female and the other male, both with 2 different playthroughs. I have built...
Well, i dont have a problem with the multipayer anymore. Things seem to have pick up now but Im still upset about the importing issue. I think im...
OKay, so like I already mentioned, I've got this game a week after it released and I notice that my Custom Sheps' faces arent importing. I've done...
I just bought Mass Effect 3, along with Naruto Ninja Storm Generations today. Does anybody want to form a squad? I want to prestige at least 3 to...
Then play with me!!! I need more people to play with! And for your second question, im not sure. I gotta check in a couple of minutes when I sign...
Thats the problem with BF3. If you dont have your own squad to play with, its difficult to play the game. If I want to use assault, I want to use...
I believe this game is more of Capcom's take on Valve's Left 4 dead than actual a RE game. This game has all the elements of l4d with RE sprinkled...
Tanks dont scare me! I shoot grenades at them! I dont need an rpg!
This is why im planning on buying a pc next week. Ive been wanting to game on a pc for a long time. Just because your able to do alot more with...
When does this game drop again? or has it not been announced yet? Im going to buy a new laptop or desktop next week. Ive been wating to get into...
Guys i've stop playing Skyrim =( Do you want to know why? I just could take the extremely small and cut-off text. Im destroying my eyes just...
Does anybody know exactly what these maps look like? Is there any pictures or gameplay footage? Vice, What is end game? Is that the name of an...
I dunno, i've been pretty psyched about this game since reading the september '11 issue of game informer. I like how it isnt like the other...
Close quarters? I can only imagine how much shotguns are going to be abused. Im already getting surprise-rape by them. I guess now its going to be...
The concept may be that of Fallout and Assassin's Creed, but the game is nothing like the latter. It is an XBL Arcade game after all, which means...
You guys mind adding me? Im usually online everyday. That might change next week though as i will be playing ME3 multiplayer. Anyone wants to...
Im getting Mass Effect 3 a week after it comes out because right now im extremely broke!!! But if anyone wants to add me, My gamertag is Shihuru,...
Who wants to play BF3 sometime? I get tired of playing this game with random people with no mic. Since there is never any communication to play...