The two player way nets you way more items, faster. Well, like I said, You'll need 2 players, at least 1 diamond (or 1 of any other item), a...
I found an umlimited diamond glitch. It requires only 2 players, 1 diamond, a dispenser, and a chest (optional). I think this glitch might work...
Well, right now im using a pc with 2 gb of ram. Would that be another to run the game smoothly?
So that means I can use my macbook. It as 4 gb of ram, but the video card has 256 mb of memory. I wonder if that would affect the performance of...
1gb as in 1gb of ram memory or video card memory? Or both?
I've played minecraft for the first time on Xbox 360 and im already addicted! So I already know the game is about $27 for PC version, but what are...
I'll definitely play. I need alot more Battlefield friends. I hate playing without actual teammates. How many people are actually playing on the...
I just seen the Xplay special of the Ghost Recon movie, Alpha. It was pretty awesome. It definitely showed off some of the games features. I like...
It seems like there arent as much content for the 360 as the PC version but its still fun nonetheless. I think I might buy this game for PC also....
I felt like that to the first time I played this game, but as soon you play with some experienced friends you will love the game, trust me! I...
Does anyone know any seeds for the world generator? And what exactly does the seeds do? I tried randomly generating a world and it look like crap...
I never played minecraft before and this is my first time. I can't believe what I was missing! This game is soo much fun! As soon as my trial ran...
I love my Quarian Engineers and their Turrets/flame throwers. Out of the 10 characters I promoted so far, 4 were Quarian engineers. Blasto, the...
I just remembered from Mass Effect 1 that krogan have 4 testicles instead of 2. I just rescued eve and I was in the med-bay on the Normandy and...
Are you kidding me? For 5 years I've always believed Michelle Rodriguez was Ashley Williams voice actress. Why does this Kimberly Brooks sound so...
You know what I've noticed? Ashley Williams isn't voiced by Michelle Rodriguez anymore. I am very unhappy and so is my male Shepard. I love...
That patch did not fix the face importing issue. My shepards' faces are still completely unrecognizable. The identity codes are exactly the same...
So I'm playing all the assassin's creed games before AS3 and I just finished Brotherhood for the first time, just now. Let me tell you, Ubisoft...
So since this sexy update has finally released, who wants to squad up and play? Anyone?