Yeah, like the guy above me said, this is a lot like Utah Mambo. I'm sure you got inspiration from it though, but the similarities are uncanny...
OMG. haha. This IMO would win the Map Remake Contest. No offense to the others who have made awesome remakes as well. This is the best Ascension...
This map is well done. I do like Blackout/Guardian/Lockout. But does look like they may have influenced you too much. It mostly looks as if you...
This map is soooo rad. These days when I'm looking through the Competitive and MLG maps forums, once I see that the map was made in the sky...
This map is BUSY! Oh my I always thought a map like this would be cool, but idk. Definitely need 6v6 going at least. lol
Very interesting. I like the look of the map. And idk about gameplay but it looks like it plays well. I will check back later. ?/5
I believe this is the first Sanctuary Remake that is made somewhere other than the crypt. And it looks good! I like the look more than when it was...
I thought that this map was very cool. I liked Damnation from Halo 1. I don't like how there aren't any outer walls, but I know that there are...
I loved Prisoner in the First Halo. I am soooooo glad you made this. And it looks way awesome. less than 3 this. 5/5
I always wanted a sandbox canvas with the lasers blocked and OLN very high! :) 5/5 i less than 3 u
I love it when people find extraordinary ways to use ordinary objects. I love the look and layout of this beauty. DL'd and playin on it in a few....
This map looks so sweet! Very pleasing to the eye. Cool ideas for structures too. :) Way to go man...way to go. 5/5
Thanks, I thought that it was a sweet idea as well :)
Very original. I like all the structures, and it really is a lot of fun trying to make things out of stuff people wouldn't expect...huh?...
Well at first I did, but the name is mos def inspired by it.
Screenshots with this map unlike other maps, make it look worse. After looking at the screens I thought, wow now i know what people mean by...
HAHA ok well then you should have just said that, so that the people viewing the map thread can see what other peoples thoughts are. That is why...
i actually don't know what ypur initial thoughts were on it.
This is cool, but i still wish there was some kind of room or structure where the man cannons are, and even a short path to s1. :( but you did do...
It isn't random junk. Think of it as aesthetics. I didn't just put objects there for no reason, each object was specifically placed where it...