This map looks really neat. I like that you put a lot of railings up. I also like how it is symmetrical, but also has the asymmetric look( like...
First of all; thanks. :) Now about those "tube corner hills"... I would love to defend them, and also further explain them. I liked using it as a...
The match was short cuz all the good people were on our team. Plus I was the only one who previously played on it, so I knew where the "goods"...
Thank you for your comment. Sorry about not putting the spare clips amount. I thought that I had put them here, but I actually just put them in...
Im wondering how long you spent making this! Holy CRAP! I mean Blackout is already awesome, so when I saw it was on Blackout, I was like "oh This...
Yeah there isn't much cover but like you said it is for the vehicles. Less cover actually makes it more fun in this case. Yes RebornYeti is OCD...
Yeah there isn't much cover but like you said it is for the vehicles. Less cover actually makes it more fun in this case.
The 2 bases having different aesthetics is just fine. And how can you say that the merging had no effort? I clearly did put a lot of effort into...
Yes you do have to go around the wall or into the center structure. And you are not supposed to comment unless you download(meaning have an xbox...
Yes I do think that they do. First of all because it needed some close range weapons. Secondly the Gravity Hammer it kinda anti-vehicle, and the...
There isn't a way to get to each base without using the other half of the map. I would know. I tested it. So to answer your question further,...
It took me so long because I was busy that weekend, and then when I did fix it so that people can't get on top of the walls around the map, I got...
Thank you on the comment about the rockets spawn. I did take some of the other aesthetic objects from some other maps I have seen, but the rockets...
I honestly don't like the idea of having a chopper on there. It seams useless because choppers need lots of room to get around. All though the...
Thanks, I liked the scaffolding bridge as well. :) The Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword aren't really over-powering at all. They used to be...
I helped test this map, and it was AWESOME for Team Slayer and CTF. It is meant more for Big Teams tho. So don't try a 2v2, it would be boring....
Dead Heat v2 <------download link [IMG] Yes! The long awaited Version 2 of the map that declared as a "hidden gem" has arrived! The...
ENcrYptED <---download link [IMG] This an Arena Style map. 100% symmetrical. 4-10 players. Supports all gametypes. Great for Team Slayer. Hectic...
Ashes <----Download Link [IMG] Ashes is a remake of the Gears of War 2 map Ruins. Now IN NO WAY is this intended to play like Gears of War 2. I...
I have taken what you have said, and what others have said, and am working on a v2 as this is being typed. I really liked the staggering the ruins...