I certainly hope so. I don't really like the whole idea of having such defined structures. Makes it feel too, forced.
Hmmm, I would to see this brought to the US.
I live in the Milwaukee area, but seeing as I'm only 16 (17 in a few weeks) and don't have a job so I can't afford to go. :(
There are definitely more than aren't there. The Banshee and Revenant aren't even in there. There is for sure more to be seen.
I like it. Then again, our humor is like, exactly the same.
Only time will tell, good sir.
Has anyone ever been like me and clicked into a map, saw that there was no interlocking or geomerging, and immediately ruled it as a bad map? I...
Totally forgot about puzzle maps. Forge 2.0 will give them the potential to be brutal.
Yes. As long as you are in a place designated "safe" from one of the volumes, you'll be ok.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Simply the fact that we have so many more effects will really aid in attaining any desired time of day. Especially because we can still mis and...
Same here, I've had no interest in pre-ordering until Forge 2.0 was unveiled.
Who knows? We can feel free to speculate.
Exactly. Not worthy of shipping along with the disc. That variant will be used in Matchmaking, much how it already is now. For those who don't...
The other one was a remake of Warlock. The Grifball variant won't actually be shipped on the disc most likely.
You would certainly hope so. I have my faith that Bungie will do us well, lets all just wait and not get ahead of ourselves here.
I could see something like a "Reach Forged Maps" section. Although to remain unbiased between the entire community, I will assume that the map...
1. Nope. 2. Possibly, we could in Halo 3, although they were primitive. 3. Yes, but only visual. No weather. 4. Nope, they will either remain...
Possibly. We'll see.