Here ya go :D YouTube - Halo Reach Battle Begins Trailer [HD]
I teabag whenever I get a good chance to. Because it's funny.
I consider myself Libertarian as well. Whenever someones asks me if I'm a Democrat or Republican, I have to explain that I'm Libertarian, and...
I think it's just the area of effect, which to me is stupid. I'll end up making a marker to where the teleporter boundaries are so people know...
Platform | Libertarian Party What does Forgehub think about the LP? Personally, i think it is honestly the only party I have ever agreed with...
There is no game better than Golden Sun.
[img] <3
Yes, but Call of Duty plays it off as its realistic, when it's not. And yes I'm aware of the bullets, but in Mw2 you can put your barrel down...
There will be tons of soccer maps. Figuring out the best way to implement it will decide which is the best. Hence, nobody is gonna give you...
Halo 3 (and Reach) have always been compared to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. However, I wanted to take the time to go through every reason I...
YouTube - Team Deathmarch on Sub Base w/ Nor & Bro Figured I'd post it cause Nor didn't already. Still not about the game :D
ITS GONE D: you guys know what im talking about :((((((((((((((((((((((((
Ferrex said there were more Custom Powerups (CP, lololollololol) than before. Not to mention Active Camo and Overshields. They're still there.
no, just getting back into it because i wanna know as much as i can about the reach forge, cause im so ****ing pumped.
ok :) Yeah once Reach comes out its pretty much all I'll be playing.
I love how it says the speed at the bottom left corner. That's a great touch. And yeah, I think its just a crappy driver.
Agree with these two guys. Freaking add me back on your friends list, Ace. And I'll join to play. The map does kindaaaaaa look like Multicog,...
I'm right with you on that one. Everyone is gonna be like, "LOLOLOL HERP DERP HEY GUYS I JUST MADE A MAP AND IT R HAZ WATERFALL!!! NOBODY ELSE IS...
kickin' asa and takin' only a few names.
Where was the Golden City picture taken?