A lot of the games look choppy even in the Trailer. I love Microsoft, but really? Games on my iPod Touch are much better. I have an Xbox for...
I'm just waiting for Reach news. That's about all I care about for now.
See the problem with that is I want the Assaulting team to have to physically go into Limbo, undead, to "Kick" them back up to where they were before.
Yeah, but it's a video. I posted this where it belongs.
I am actually thinking that Noble Six COULD be Master Chief. Would make for one HELL of an ending.
YouTube - Halo: Reach ViDoc - A Spartan Will Rise [spoiler]
That's right, I'm making an Inception inspired gametype in Halo:Reach. If you have yet to see the movie and do not want it spoiled for you,...
Nope. I suck if I can't hear the game audio. When I Forge, however, if I'm alone I will ALWAYS have my iPod on and playing some jams. Can't...
Well I know the Jackson is a Jackson Warrior WRXT. It's the intermediate level of the Warrior line, and cost about 700 bucks. The Crate Amp is a...
[IMG] That's about all I got right now, it's been treating me well. I still need an Acoustic guitar, but i haz no monies. :/
Packers lost to the Browns, but then again, it's the Preseason and we took all of our main guys out. I'll be looking forward to see what they...
Yeah it was cool to watch, but I really wish the player would have moved around more. He pretty much stayed in the same spot the whole game and...
This is a genius idea. I can't wait to see what the puzzle guys will do, because this is nothing compared to what I can imagine they will pull...
Hmmmm, anyone wanna use what pictures of the items we already have and piece together what object is named what? EDIT: what?
If you're talking about top-mid, you are sadly mistaken. The outer side of Zealot is the same width of the space under it, which is about the...
Yes. [img] Basic Editing just means "All gametypes".
No reason not to preorder. Gamestop has a great Preorder/In store pickup system. Works great. You use your credit card as collateral and you...
Looks pretty good. Kinda hard to tell how it'll be from just Sketchup pictures, especially when the game hasn't been released yet.
Halo needs sensitivity that goes to 11.
Just about all objects can be set to phased, fixed, or normal. What we saw is very possible.