nice nice, something new for a change, good job, keep up the good work, 5/5 and downloaded.
k, thanks a million cartographer, and thanks for the glitch.
Well im not the greatest forger around but i would have to say i like that hand! Look quite real in screenshot 2, anyways Ill download and give it...
wait wait wait wait, i mean its a great glitch and all but im a lil confused. First 2 questions...Im halfway through my current map on FOUNDRY and...
im gonna have to say this is one of the best maps ive seen in along time, really catches ur eye with that pallet bridge and that tunnel w ith...
wow, nice map dude. very original thought with the ribcage and all and well constructed! looks like it'll give some nice gameplay :D keep up the...
Love the structures, geomerging, interlocking and basically just the entire map. 5/5 & downloaded. keep up the good work :D
well, im new...not so new....alright im like 3months in to forgehub so ive never seen nor heard of this map. but as i look at it now i truly am...
damn u vision.....u just made me so stressed today it wasnt funny i couldnt even get out of the first friggin box. As much as i loved the post...
anyone finished it yet? p.s i love the map even from first sight, good work and i look forward to finishing it
hmmm ive never heard of this map but wat u said about equalness throughout the entire map made me click the download button instantly, im kinda...
great job mate, must've taken alot of headaches and thinking to make these doors, but we thank u greatly. i mean who knows...u could've just made...
brilliant absolutely love this post, i especially love the MLG latch map, the structures and layout is just simply great also it looks like a...
Yea i know im sorry for the 2 ghosts, i also thought it wasnt the flashest idea, but i thought it would be better then a warthog and a ghost...
Highshot Created by Kyfion Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description Hello there and thanks for reading my post, first off id just like to say...
Nice Finally something original has hit forgehub once again, great idea, keep up the good work
Nothing but great :D hey bloodfire, first id just like to say congratz and well done, i love the map (im playing it now) it appeals to most of my...
I like it :D good design, easy drop-shortcuts, not perfect, but nothing short of brilliant. Similar to Guardian; a couple of main sections joined...