WOW :O the geomerging with the walls in inside the side room is incredible! absolutely incredible, nice work man, congrats on the feature
mmmmm? thats weird, im exactly the same as snake, except im 15 and lost live again because of bloody telstra :O like word for word the same,...
Judging from the numerous pictures you uploaded, the gameplay on this map will be feneminal (however u spell it), not only that the map looks... all i can say, seriously i read ur lil intro about this being ur first post on forgehub and i had a feeling it would be a bit...
i would have to say thats a very nice switch, great base idea with the whole stock map thing where u give us the option to build around it, in my...
HAHAHA i love that idea omg, lol looks like so much fun keep up the good work 5/5
hmmmmm hehhehehe, i like i like, i really like that double box in the back hallway as does everyone else. i dunno how on earth that would've been...
Nice overall map in my opinion, bit all over the place though aint it? Thats not a bad thing though, just a comment. I especially love the sword...
whoa whoa! nice works guys, very nice, anyone who was involved in making this map gets my praise :D sif thats a big thing though lol. anyways 5/5...
whoaa....nice interlocking :D great map 5/5
i think...lil sloppy but if u could clean it up really well (and i know its hard as hell making clean stuff in the air but...) and tweak it, u...
I like it! nice idea, quite original, lovely interlocking. overall looks like a fun map. keep up the good work :D 5/5
Overall i would have to say about 3/5. I mean sure its probably fun to play on and watnot but its nothing AMAZING is it? little to no interlockin...
hmmmm, yes u do indeed need to clean this post, up, and for starts u could tell us a lil more about the map, like what level? goals? pros and...
sweet map man, nice video too, got a nice relaxed feel to it eh? and as far as i can tell this map isnt stolen, so guys can we please stop the...
Nice idea imo, not entirely original but I can picture myself playing this map and having the time of my life. And i know ur just being stupid...
Nice nice, i like the idea even though its similar to purple. The hill adds kind of a feeling of supiority while also making you feeling blocked...
hmmmm, i like the new way of keeping people from cheating :D, koth in the centre down the middle of the map, nice nice keep up the good work, 4/5
Hmmmm, i dunno about u, but this looks like a first post? If it is then you were just like me bout 4months ago, i posted my first map hoping for...
hello there widestoned, u posted a message saying that i said ur map was great but i didnt download it. I did, sometimes the number of downloads...