Complain that our central A/C unit fails to do a decent job of cooling the upper floors of the house, remember that there was a room unit that my...
What bothers me is the audacity of any company dictating to its consumers to what extent they can use the product. In some situations, it's...
Name: The Benergizer Specialties: Everything Enjoy it: I tutor English and Writing at meh college. Example: No thanks? Be glad to help if you...
Yes, but understand that I was a slight little fellow, in stature a mere 5'3", weighing 120 lb.s in only strength was my speed. So,...
Hello. I'm newly registered here, although I've been browsing the site for maps for awhile. I don't really forge competitive maps, but I'm...
Should I be scared? Right when I join, three people I know of/were friends with at a point join quickly thereafter...eerie? I haven't been here... is that the infinitive? The active infinitive is "edere...." and I don't think I've seen that as any form of the passive infinitive......
I'd believe that the word "essum" is. Mainly since after taking the SAT II Subject Test for it, I haven't even cracked open a text book for the...
I'm not the energizer bunny, I'm The Benergizer. It's not that hard, didn't we already go over this in the shoutbox last week? :p
Hello ForgeHub, My name is Ben; I'm 16. I'm a gifted kid; I was homeschooled, finished my high school requirements at 13, messed around, and...
So sorry, my browser (or connection) is acting up terribly on me right now. Sorry for the double post/thread, please delete this one. First time...
This map is amazing, both in aesthetics and design. The interlocking is great. However, when I played it with a group of friends, the common...