Well, I don't have any of you guys on my friends list, so, please could people who like to play custom games that aren't always Infection add me?!...
Brute shot, Magnum or and my favourite; Shooting someone so thir shield goes with dual SMGs, the ramming them up their nose.
Im so gonna try sign up for that.
Damn right about the undo button, im so fed up of holding somthing i want to sell and it and it ends up selling smething behind it!
[img] Im the one with yellow and dual SMGs. Left to right... XxXjamiexXxX sham93 (me) CKrockz xXJaMiE187 We are all stood with our favourite...
#1 is obviosuly staged because; Why would the 'hog be prked lik that? Why would all of the team be around the 'hog like that if they were...
Awww man, Jon has sooo much sh*t to put up with. I meen, if i had that the id just change my name.
I think some of them were staged, but briiantly madeto look like they wernt. I meen, how he hell did #1 get that? But they are all pretty cool.
Ok, i will d/w
I like the number 10 one best, where he sticks the 'hog wheel. someontell me how to put it on here please? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83_DJ5CGtqk
My guy is the best wooot! Recon is cool, but only the shoulers. [img]
Well, yesturday after playing some SWAT, me and my friends went on customs and played some Hobo Heights V2. A recent player joins and says; "hey!...
OOO that sounds cool! Ima do that one! thanks for the idea.
lol wutt? You meen like, each team has 4 or somthing or 1 per team and so you have 1 guy just smashing the other hog?
shame < seriously, where is the e in sham sam < well, i gues its ok cos its my name shamge < just plain WTF!?
Ill help anyway i can but if your a bit more specific it will be better.
I thought making bots had omthing to do with throwing loads of trip mines then host leavng or somthing? I didnt know it was a mod...
In my opinion, its the most noob friendly game ever. I went round the corner where overshield is on Guardian, with a pistol, 3 people coming to...
LMAO! you sound stoned! Good job! I like the blue laser bit, "uhh, a blue laser, i dont remember how i...did that."
Uhm, depends what kind of map you have in mind?