Whats a premiums?
You know on the campain level The Covenant, i want one of those big Foreunner structures that you have to press te button in! They would be...
Mines pink o_0
So, if theres been a link to us and now we are going to get a flood of new forgers, can't we havea subforum for the new people only where the can...
Damn, i was just about to post that! I would put shield doors on some of the doors and maybe add a flamer if im alowed.
Some of these look staged but its cool never the less :P [youtue]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjSWDhoEblc[/youtube] Arghhh! I can't get the...
Looks good for nades and spades. Add me on XBL sham93 , we can make some sporty maps together?
Uhm, theres 3 spawn points per team. If you play it, give me some feedback please :P
Yes most of us forge hubbers will probly have them already but, to let anyone else know, THE HEROIC MAPS ARE FREE RIGHT NOW! Go get them and make...
56. You have over 10gb of Halo videos on your ipod. 57. You wake up with ideas for forge.
Yeah, ive spent alot of time recently in foundy trying to think of sporty ideas so i decided to take a break and i came up with this.
Maybe we should send Bungie an email asking why we can only have 100 items?
Last Stand Created by sham93 As the enemy drew closer, all efforts were on defending the make shift base. 6-18 Players. Base: ___-.The Pit...
Soo do screenshots count in this limit as well? And also, along with the canvas maps that everyone no doubt has, we only have room for i think 83...
Ok well, add me or ill add you... Im not good at remebering nams sooo, i will probly forget but ill try!
Don't worry about not being very good at forging, my maps aren't exactly good either. If you wan't, add me to your friends list on XBL and we...
Woot, everyone who adds me is awsome... BTW im from england so, Europeans will probly be best but anyone add me!
Well, sport maps arent at all easy to do, you have to try and get rid of the honour rule if you can, make it look good, play good, and all that...
I wasted some guys in my first ever matchmaking. 25-7-3-1.
Woot, SMG for the win!