can i be an objective specialist team b plz?
A Base [IMG] B Base [IMG] Centre [IMG] Opposite Centre [IMG] Sniper Tower [IMG] A Steps [IMG] B Steps [IMG] A Side [IMG] B Side [IMG]...
I've been thinking recently, of re making Bombing Run from Unreal Tournament 2004. Im just not sure as too which map would be best for this....
Ive always had the problem of it being not flat ... like its angled.
Seeing as the OP doesn't even have requirements, i don't see why he shouldn't be judge! Let him be a judge, he was first to offer his own time to...
Link to thread [IMG] Me and my friend did this during campaign on crows nest. We were punchinga marine then another one walked over and...
I had like 10 of them during a game on btb. Replyed to the all with somthign like: P*** off, your not gonna get recon, your life is worthless,...
NOOO! This meens the map ive been workinon for weeks is gonna be an epic fail :( Time to go and add more walls...
Forging by myself is easier because then you dont have loads of other people adding things where you were doing somthing etc.
Uhm, looks suspiciously like bump, but i like the idea of adding the spawning man cannons :P Also, not to be a put down or anything, but people...
Not sure if this is new or anything but it was news to me... Ever had the problem of building a great infection map, but the zombies being able...
TBH, both of you have very high post counts, considering the time you have been here. I also suggest that both of you quite the arguing before a...
A Baby High On Lemons that might be too long? maybe BaybeHighOnLemons
Ok, so, ive been away a while since the whole change the forum stuff. Anyway, what im asking is this: What maps would people recomend for...
FileType: Screenshot Link:
What is a PKMN? and a Pikichu?
If it doesn't include an amory, all the power weapons, lots of turrets, 1 hit kill zombiesand instead is a balanced, well thought out map, then it...
I hope its not going to be like Gaurdian cos that sucks for forging.
Nice guide, but maybe you should say somthing about dual weilding weapons? Like, put them near others so you can have different ones?
Uhm, what so? If i go on Halo 3, i have to sign in with the other rofile and do the whole map transfer back to my normal accont to play it? Or,...