I hear your a bad person... I LIKE bad people so.............. i sent you a friend request.. DUN DUN DUHHHH
Link to self Assurgent
Oh..... My....... God. wow this map is amazing, it seems that you could make the video for the map a little better but what the heck this is...
I hate school cause all the big BuLLIES hurt you cause your such a lame faget and never get girls. LOL no but anyways school may seem boring or...
lol. a bunny ? totally was expecting that.
On my screen my sig is very small i don't see how it would be that big ?
I got an infraction from Shadow V1per for my sig.... ?
Does my signature break any rules ?? i don't see how it would ?
WHY DID YOU GIVE ME AN INFRACTION FOR MY SIGNATURE !!!! seriously you guys just come up with the STUPIDIST !! reason's to give people...
Link to self -- ONI Ampitheatre
Honestly this is probably the most amazing asthetic map i have seen since 8 emerald legs, and i actually thought of how this could be fit in with...
okay you get the duct tape, and i will tie her up in a chair.
like the look of the page
sup hows it goin.
This seems to jump at me and say I IS MAP HEAR MY ROAR so i think i will download.
how is your name green ?
I don't like the lots of honor rules because if nobody wants to follow them you have to boot the player. and if you don't have allot of people you...
wow that has to be the longest and mst descriptive post i have ever seen before (that should be counted as spam) LOLZ JK JK but anyways from the...
looks like an excellent map but i cant enjoy it without a download link. xD
I don't see any interlocking in that picture and it also looks escapable because you can grenade jump on top of the fence boxes then just jump...