I wuld go crazy. I'd scrap themap I'm makign at the moment and start another one.
Now that's strange. I alos never got gold stars, even with 100%. Well be glad you got gold stars to begin with. Also Say it Ain't so is awesoem...
Another hit from IcedFrappuccino. The map looks amzing, the interlocking is astounding, and this looks like a whole lotta fun. This is a for sure...
You need to embed your pics. This is not up to forgehub standards.
Wow. This map is great looking and posted right! The interlokcing on this map is amazing! Do you have any action shots of this?
This looks liek a great map but, I don't see any interlocking in it. I don't think that interlocking is needed to make a map great but some people...
Could you make the pic alittle bigger?
Melee. I don't know why, I just alwats seem to be behind someone, or my gun tends ot be in their face. Besides melee I usually stick with BR and AR.
I play games for fun and achievements. Yes I am in sort a Achievenment junkie. I've rented about one or two games for achievements. My offline...
Wow. This map is amazing. Supreme interlocking, nice weapon placement, and it looks like loads of fun. 5/5 I'll dl it.
This is'nt up ot Forgehub standards. You need to embed your pics.
Back from playing it, and I have to add its possible to get back on Blackout. with and without a ghost.
Holy...........this is one of the greatest maps I've seen! Profssionally put together, looks extremely fun, and floating. I'll admit I love when...
3 wireless controllers Rock Band drums Rock Band guitar Rock Band mic Guitar Hero X-plorer Guitar Hero Aerosmith Wirelss Guitar 4...
Is'nt this on UT3 for 360? Yeah this is the gOW 2 content on it.
For the hardcore Weezer fans, which bassist do ou think was or is best with Weezer. Weezer has had three bassist over the years, but I think Mikey...
What about Island In The sun? Not one of their most known songs but till a good one.
Perfect Situation is oen of their greatest. I think Keep Fishin is also up their as one of the best.
Its "Everybody Get Dangerous" One of Weezer's best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba_NNKyUwEE Strnage vid though.
Best songs off their new album: Troublemaker Greatest Man That Ever Lived Pork and Beans Everybody get Dangerous Dreamin Miss Sweeney Automatic Pig