maybe try adding floors instead of making the whole pyramid hollow Don't click here please! ...I bet you did
Why is the scorpion on the ground and why did you post the same screenshot twice?
I just want to see like an overhead view or a view of the middle b4 i dl
Great job! This looks like a real execellent map. All I have to suggest is removing the man cannon so that you actually can't get from place to...
I understand the gametypes but why are there kill balls instead of maybe a small merged slope to help stop the players at the end. Kill balls can...
This map looks a little too empty. You should try adding more barriers and obstacles alongside maybe a small litlle bunker in the middle. Also...
When your friends give you lemons you find new friends lol... I would suggest adding pictures of the COD4 map for the non-COD players to see and...
This is not an MLG map... It has a good concept but the teleporter is not found in MLG maps, it also could have railings to help prevent falling...
I like how you used the crypt for this map, most people prefer the skybubble or main level. However when you built the map it looks like you...
It looks like you are very fond of the fusion coils, it might help removing some so it isn't like your getting bombed when your outside the base....
Thank-you! Infection with one way to enter an overpowered fortress full of humans isn't my idea of entertainment, you could probably make more...
Nice map but looks a bit sloppy, the kill balls need to be deleted altough anybody who didn't want them there could just go into forge mode and...
With the cone type thing in the middle you could build like an arena where you have to push other people into the killball and be tha last one...
Nice map, looks evenly balanced but I couldn't help to notice the maller in the small tunnel, you could easily camp around the corner which would...
Has the potental to be a great map, it could use the slightest bit more low lying cover, maybe the flat blocks that you can see over them and...
That is considered spam, you could get an infraction for that The map looks good except in some parts it's either too narrow or too wide without...
Looks like a real barn, but it could still use some cover, because right now it looks like the barn family had to move out because their barn...
I don't like infection maps either but maybe if people who actually read this post before commenting about how bad it is *cough sarcasticly* or...