For your first map and post you did a lot of things right and by that I mean most people on their post don't have pics or whatever. The problems...
You definitely now what you're doing when forging these maps. The sheer size is done magnificently. Large maps are always difficult to pull of...
This idea has been done over a few times before but this is unique enough that I think you didn't know that. I like the "purgatory" for lack of...
The link of your map goes to your file share and not to the map. That is against Forgehubs regulations so you might want to fix that soon. The...
It is hard to tell what the map in all exactly looks like and I understand that overview screenshots are difficult to make sometimes. That said...
um.. Idk if its just me but i think your sand dune supply base pic and the structure supply base are the exact same pic. Maybe its just me but...
I can tell just from the screenshots that a LOT of man hours was put into making this map. I like the concept and the course itself looks fun to...
Nice map dude. I know others are telling you that some areas may be too open but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Think about it: the maps...
This map has several levels of dimension and is uber aesthetically pleasing. Railings are present and everything is thoroughly interlocked. This...
wow the machine you made for bringing in dead teammates is impressive! This is an awesome idea and well executed. dividing the field and the...
This is a pretty cool idea. I like your creativity and twist on the Risk game. The differences between continents is obvious and it looks...
Dude I am SO upset I was just finishing the same thing except it was in the bubble... Anyways I will admit that yours is crisper than mine and...
The interlocking looks awesome and the under passages are what give the map actual "playability" by adding more fighting ground. Plus with the...
It was ambitious posting a map on Guardian in the age of Foundry and Sandbox I will give you that. But negative points for being able to survive...
I saw the title of this and couldn't help but look and laugh at the idea (in a good way). It is very creative although I think you should listen...
The underloft is an excellent idea and obviously adds several dimensions to the level. The Interlocking looks great and it is more than somewhat...
There is a forum called Forging 101 that can teach you everything and to anything you need to know on how to make your ma the best it can be. As...
First off congratulations on your post actually working the way it should. Most on their first few posts cant get their pics embedded or only...
Hahaha I like how you told the "geofreaks" to like it that was pretty funny. But on a more serious note the map's layout seems to be its greatest...
This seems to be infection at its basic core. Almost like a horde gametype. Also it was a good idea to offer the map with and without the FX....