Now i just got back from the eye doctor and i cant see a whole lot but i think i can tell your third and fourth obstacle are the same pic(fixed)....
Photobucket is still able to make larger pics so you should fix those. Also Forgehub has a band of awesome people called the Testers Guild you can...
Haha aww c'mon you didnt like tiny map? I thought it was well put together... Anywho I think it might have been a good idea to post this in the...
haloscreenshots is down unfortunately. It is the easiest way to get pics but it isnt working right now. Here is a guide to embedding pics using...
Alright thank you for reiterating my point but for what reason? I told him how to post his pics using photobucket he just hasnt yet.
Haha noob you don't have any posts... is a grat place to go to get your screens up. Sadly it isnt working right now. In the mean time while haloscreenshots is down...
This map is well made and excellent for what it is designed for. I hate it when I have to wait 5 mins to join a party and it is just enough time...
I kinda like the idea of it although because its not in the sky bubble i think a bulk of the time spent playing will be running on the ground to...
Holy Friggin Crap... you got your post done to standards. Congratulations sir your pics are actually working and I assume of your own map. The...
Haloscreenshots is down right now photobucket is what I advise. I know you arent new but here is a guide to embedding pics I know you said that...
Here is a guide to embedding screenshots. In the future go to and type in your gamertag on the right and it will pull up all...
Welcome to Forgehub. While as you said you didnt put a ton of effort into the map it is still good practice on creating threads and such. you did...
This is a really well put together map. I have seen a few of these but this is one of the best due to its functionality. Very creative and good...
Thank you thank you thank you for actually doing a fantastic job on your post. It seems like every new person said screw the rules I already know...
Here are the rules to posting maps on Forgehub. If you do not know how to embed screenshots go here. In the future go to and...
please be sure and read all these and look at my post on spinny it shows your pics i think.
You dont have to apologize you just need to get your posts done correctly. click the blue words. To see how to better post your thread go here To...
Ok I have actually shown this to you once already just click the words in blue and follow the instructions. I will also send you a message. To...
Sorry I dont have Xboxlive currently. I did not create the dragon it is from a friend I know who actually helps me often. Sorry to disappoint.