I really like the look of a map with multiple jumps. What exactly is Nationals? is it a gametype, or type of race map? The light under the jumps...
Two ways to solve the issue of walking- lifts or teleporters, or more mongooses. Just saying, it is not a tricky fix. The problem is not the...
Im glad you would like to play it. Do whatever floats your boat, and just dont go around saying you made the whole thing alright ;) Thank you. I...
Luke- Im not clear based on the screenshots what exactly comprises the map. Please include some more pictures, or a video. An overview would be...
I presume you know how to ghost-merge from the roof, so I would suggest merging the tubes into the ground to save pieces (i.e. all of the little...
I know this is ticky-tacky, but I would personally merge the block angles to be at the same height as the gold column, and I would merge the...
I have a question on gameplay and a compliment for the end. I amy be wrong, but judging from the pictures, it seems that the rocket is only...
You can avoid spawn problems (which I used to have a lot of) if you use a canvas that has all of the spawn points still on it. Keep them stacked...
Wow D it looks stunning. I need to get a game on this when I get back.
Did you use traditional merging techniques or did you use the save and quit and drag method to merge the merged parts of the track?
I would just delete the stone platforms under bottom mid. I would then make some walls or little huts or tree-like things or pillars or the such...
I like that you can man-cannon across to the other side. Otherwise there would be too few ways to the other side. THat said, where are the...
I have couple questions you might consider answering in the post: -How does scoring work? If it is just the usual, that might make the game hardly...
This looks very nice. I remember when I learned how to merge- some of my most creative stuff ever. Anyway, I like the idea of different structures...
This looks really cool, and a time when using FX is a good idea. I will for sure DL when I get back home.
OK a couple dumb questions: -When does the Beta come out for the general ODST owning populace? -How exactly do you get on the Beta (what disc,...
This looks very nice, and something I would be proud of. One thing that bothered me was the stone platforms with the bubble shields. They look...
Wow, great idea. Truly creative. I would like to know how you thought of the idea, or what inspired the idea. it seems like something you just...
Do you see issues with the radio antennae b/c I anticipate problems there.
This is meant for standard FFA games (I assume,) and not jumping competitions. This also means unless it is oddball, there is no benefit to...