I know I will be using the canvas scenery given to us to do something cool. Right now I am focusing on multi-level designs using death barriers,...
You have a good point EpicFishFingers. I make maps mostly because I like to, but I post maps so that other people can DL them, and enjoy playing...
From the pics they all look promising, so I am going to free up some space. I just wanna say now though that I dont think I have ever seen a huge...
iono, it seems like it was taken, I checked the other one and YoYo locked that... Anyway, kwheelscc, you should take it as a compliment more than...
Im overly critical, so true to form: I noticed while playing 1-flag that people tend to head straight for the lift, but by the end of the game...
Im glad you made a nice map to go with the gametype! A sure DL from me, and I just want to say I love the idea of gas again. The idea of using a...
AOM, I remember you showing this to me MONTHS ago! I can only imagine the changes that you put into it. Personally I loved the v1, and it remains...
I realize why you had to do that, I just am suggesting that you do not over-do it. Just make it difficult to take 2, but making it absolutely...
If I DL'd this I would feel compelled to touch it up in forge, so instead I am going to comment and then DL the v2. This is a very creative idea...
Modern Land Hello, everyone. I have recently made a new map, but this is my first real attempt at a squad battle map. Hopefully you like it!...
How else can a forger judge their success if they are not a big shot and very few people comment on it with real feedback besides "looks cool"?...
Thank you very much! I appreciate it!
Don't let negative comments hurt your feelings, just take the meaning behind it. In this case, the comments are suggesting the map is neither...
That would be great! By cover I hope you do not mean stone platforms with walls on top and a little temple in the middle. :P I have some crazy...
Some stuff in the middle and stone levels on the outside. It looks like a very simple version of Tundra, the bungie map in the swat playlist....
I consider my last map, Time Capsule, to have been snubbed forum-wise, and no doubt Restriction will also die away if it hasn't already. It is...
From just lookin at the pics (and reading the post) it is clear you are aimed at gameplay which is great. I will have to play the map to know for...
I had to check out Moon Waffle after a mention of creativity, and it is genius! And waay before my time. It is high praise for indoor bansheeing...
Banshees love open space, and so this map limits their space. They can still move around enough though. Download it, play it, and you will see!...
Restriction Hello everyone. Today I bring you a new custom game experience I believe has never been done before: competitive balanced gameplay...