Strongside, Fearitself, Neighbor, and Snipedown.
My friend, i believe you are right about the Shannonned thing, but thats my sisters name, and shes a *****.
Be prepared, the wall is coming. So today i get home from school, and i say, "lets go play team mythic!". So, i go into team mythic and to my...
The finish line was my weak point, making it cheat proof isn't easy, but i'll try to perfect it next time.
This is my first race map, so don't expect it to be perfect, but i believe it is pretty decent. SHINESTORM [IMG] This is my map...
Actually this isn't faked unless they mimiced the custom game exactly like the matchmade game. I know this because of solid facts, in the video,...
Akatosh727 A few Halo vids, not really much to say, but i plan to get way more popular in the summer.
I know this is a bump, and it is purposeful. We should sticky this, it is very useful.
Oh, you have no idea. Playing doubles with my friend sam, and his connection buttfu*ked him and he lagged out. The game was on Blackout and it...
Thanks, i'll try this and reward you with something if it works.
I need to know how to make banked turns for a racing map that i'm making. If you know, tell me your techniques or you could show me on Xbox Live....
Once i got a Killtacular with one grenade and a few br shots.
I thought that it was the halo discussion forum, but it wasn't.
Actually, if you had actually clicked, you would see that they were 20 second clips, and its funny because i'm so obvious but yet they still can't...
Oops, i thought it was Halo Discussion. My bad, could a mod please move this?
Well, I like to play Halo 3, and i like to see kids screaming, so i started to hide in Team Doubles with my friend. My friend can sometimes have...
I have been wondering the same thing, it would seem like a memory thing, but that would take FOREVER. I would like to know also.
Let me pull up a random name generator. How about Omega?
I am currently working on a racetrack map in the skybox in sandbox. I was wondering how the hell you interlock so well when crap is floating in...
Lone Wolves, as said, i make all the calls. Other people can't double team me either! :D