i like it alot good forging especially the merging
verryy well made, and puts forth a new type of map in a way. kudos
very cool and its probably top ten in avalanche maps but when put against everything its not very good.
very cool, the technique helps alot
map looks simple but well thought out, download for sure
map looks very awsome i gotta check it out, and the name is well fit
veery smartt and unique, i like how its supaa originall not like anything i've ever seen
mapp very cool map, looks well thought out and designed deffinetly guna download
big @ss monster preetttyy cool. dl fo shoooo . original/ sortaa
--- pretty spify map. no one uses teleporters like just plain anymore.. i think so kudos
--- Looks pretty well thought out, i'll definitl try this map. kudos
--- cool map, i dont like avalanche alot it's hard to make a good map of (forge wise) but you did a fair job
cool map, not enough detail in pictures but looks cool gunna check it out