Ugh very n00by posting and this kinda map has been done thousands of times, MAKE IT UNIQUE, version 2 maybe? i give you a 1/5
wow, this is an awesome map, best I've seen in a while. The interlocking is very good and your map makes a very good battle field. The only...
Yah this looks like a very fun race map and awsome for your first one, if i do want a race track i know where to go lol, for race maps i give it a...
Looks pretty cool and thought out and yes the center man-cannon is awsome but more merging and geo-merging would have been nice and the name seems...
Yah i agree with phoenix your map is very sloppy and i would like to see more geo-merging. It seems like you threw this all together quick next...
This looks like a great map for FFA but really nothing else i think. It could use geo-merging but the reg. merging gave it +points. All in all i...
Your map isn't horribly original and doesn't look like a good fighting setting and it would be nicer to see more geo-merging but i do like the...
Cool map. That is professional floating objects lol and the merging is great and makes it just cool enough to DL. 3/5
Woww, i remember playing this with my friends it was very fun and well made. Its not original but it is lol. Kudos man 3/5
Lol, very fresh idea man, i like it. Next time i get bored of matchmaking and forging i know where i am going!!! Yah but very original 3/5
Looks like a very cool map, if i do play it i will probably get like 5 people and play FFA. I like the setting/mood of your map lol i dont know...
This looks in no way a coliseum, next time think about the name longer. Looks like a good map for MLG but there are a lot of bare spots and you...
This is very cool looking, i wish the drawbridge had like the bridge kept going. The elite is very cool too, and i dont really get the highway. I...
It looks lke you threw it together pretty quick. You should have taken more time making it "visually appealing", even though it's supposed to be...
I guess its a good aesthetics map but i would never use it as a FFA or objective game. 2/5
I've seen this gametype and map variant done before. Still I still enjoy this kinda of game. No DL though I already have one. The cover is well...
Looks like a good fighting scene, but it seems like the people on the ground are screwed. I think it'll be fun to get like 5 people and play FFA...
Looks pretty blank and I would like to see more merging, you map looks like a dull fighting setting. The idea behind your map is cool though,...
Yah change the name of your thread to the map name so it can be easily found. Your idea for the map is old and been done ALOT but the gate is very...
I really like the merging and the design/layout. It looks like a good FFA map but nothing else, maybe work on that. The pictures are adequate but...