I LOVED Boarding Action! Me and my friends would play a game called Manhunt on it where everyone's invis and has snipers. It had that "only score...
Looks awesome, and piloting the mech looks fun for sure. 1 thing tho. can't the attackers just kill the Hornet? it looks like that would be easy...
Wow nice job! Obviously, it's not gonna be as good as if Bungie finally decided to re-release Headlong, but I can see where ur design would...
Wow I love how you made a great playable map and yet still bothered to make some (at least sort of) unique aesthetics. GJ, I wish I had the...
Haha, I laughed so hard. MANCANNONS ROFL
Grea idea, +rep for helpin teh n00bzorz. I like the ghost to drive off in, but middle schoolers definitely should NOT be driving lol
Before he gave the definition of Depot he used, I thought he meant cause it kinda looked like a multi-colored Home Depot :P This looks pretty fun,...
I had an idea like this but I never could have taken it this far. well done TDF
THIS MAP IS VB3R 1337!!!11!!1!onehundredeleven!! I <3 the sniper bunker thingy with the opening at gun level. 17/17
Wow, great first post! I like how you left the ceiling open but still made it like a dome. and since no1 else has said it yet, WELCOME TO...
My guess for the blue door would be he placed a shield door in front of it, maybe?
OM f**king G! Good job! Parts of this map are PERFECT RECREATIONS of that one mission from Battlefront! BOO-Frickin-YAH!
You have very violent map names; Battery, Curbstomp, Haymaker, Black and Blue...YAY Though it's already been said (more than once, too), love...
ZOMFG DIS M4P IZ TEH PWNZORZ ROFLOLMAO jk awesome idea. I always wondered if any1 would ever find a use for propane. well done, you not only found...
This map is sweet. Well-made an' errthang. Looks fun to play (which is, in general, a plus) 17/17
The first pic has purty colors....OOooooOOoooh. This map looks great and definately has an Incan ambiance. 17/17 BTW Supreme321 fails at being...
Oh...My...God... This must have taken SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG. I like the merged window panels, though I don't know why that stands out for...
Hurray tunnels! Now I can live out my dream of being a star-nosed mole that gets blown up by a nade. You, Sirrah, are my hero. Hug me.
No, Bungie does not plan to make the Legendary DLC free. Ever. It said that on Bnet in an update or something.
simple maps FTW