Looks decent. way too many armory-type areas, people will camp the hell outta those areas by the mancannons. And if some1 gets too close for their...
Looks fun. I less than three u for including Sentinel beams & firebombs. And like BlueDevil said, nice work using a default map.
Booty-licious!!! well done map for sure. I like all the stuff under the interlocked bridges. No camping there.
^ What he said.
What, no Special Beam Cannon? lulz, like that's even possible.
Sweet map dude. U interlocked all the bridges well, and went out of your way to interlock a 3rd staircase on each side. But guess what? I CAN...
If (and when?) you can find the time, I'd appreciate a Krillin one (just in case u don't know, the guy from DBZ that's in my sig). Just a squirrel...
TBH, when I saw the map name I was all like *GROAN*, but this map actually looks fun. Great first post, but like Hazza said, get rid of the shield...
Looks good except there's nothing preventing people from turning around at the start and scoring. U should have grav lifts or man cannons there to...
Hmm, weird. I use photobucket myself, but wut ev. Btw, u double-posted, some people will flame u 4 that. instead of posting twice, edit ur 1st 1....
The center sorta reminds me of Guardian. The rest.. doesn't (which is GOOD, that means it's sumthin new). Very well forged, Can't w8 to see wut u...
I personally want Team Splazers (only score for lasering ppl) or Team Sentinel Beams. Either would be awesome. Also, I agree, Snipers should be...
If Halo 4 comes out, it better have Forge, and hopefully allow u to put skins on objects. ZOMFG THAT DOUBLE BOX LOOKS LIKE A PALM TREE!!!!
I agree 100% with Ryon: DimmestBread is right. So NO, videogames aren't to blame for violent kids. people against video games are usually people...
TRUE STORY Someone sued Winnebago (and won) for the following reason: They were driving on the highway and put the camper on Cruise Control,...
w8 wut? Shweet!
AWESOME!!!! That's all I can say. I'm so gonna have a scorpion turret sticking out of the ground BECAUSE I CAN. kthxbai
The guy who got trapped behind the dumpster in the video fails at life. That looks pretty fun but if what Hoff said is true (and why wouldn't it...
The pic of V2 makes me drool... jk but really, one of the best improvements over the original I've seen in a while. Well done Flex ^.^
Wow nice looking map! I'd have to agree about the whole hog thing. ghost would be better (or Chopper!! Y does no1 use Chopper??), or no vehicles,...