This looks more like a casual map. It looks really nicely forged and I like the details of the whole map.
So that is why you used shields instead of just increased damage resistance for humans. I can't wait to play this map as my xbox is being...
That looks amazing. The only way I could see it being playable is if you add a few more corridors and some cover on the outskirts. Either way 5/5....
Thats pretty cool, a map that changes everytime you play it. Mabey you should have some unmoveable objects on the outskirts of the map where...
xbox got rrod and is in for repairs.
What I meant was, couldnt you give humans normal shields, and say 500% or 1000% damage resistance? That way they still have the health but don't...
"Woah!" is what I first said when I saw this map. And that was judgeing by the pictures. My xbox is in for repairs right now, but once it gets...
Overall it looks like a nice fun game. I esspecialy like the "class" system. Im a little shaky about the map. It's "modern warfare" which i...
Your right, it left me breathless.
Looks fun as a casual game. The only problem I see is the middle wall where there is only one entrance. Im not sure if you wanted it to be that...
It does remind me of terminal. This looks like a greatly forged map. One thing I noticed is there is no picture for one corner of the map. (The...
This map looks amazing. I love the jump as it reminds me of the vidmaster achievment. The map seems a bit hard but looks fun.
I like the geomerged powerups in the ground, but what purpose do they serve? Mabye the mark red/blue bases?
Looks fun as it's a rare map on snowbound. Only problem I see is what if while the cat/tremor is waiting the 20 seconds to come out, a mouse takes...
My main problem of the map is gameplay. You say it's based off the foundary version which it does look like. The problem with both of these is...
The map looks overall clean but not so balanced. I hate when people put those "big rooms filled with nothing but fusion coils" as they serve no...
Looks like an fun original map. The only problems I see is it looks a little small and not really like a village or building.
Updated the map and thread
It could be used for machinima i guess.
That may be the problem, I'll try it tonight. Thanks for the help.