I feel like ive seen this map before. If it is yours, I really like the urban feel to it.
Bungie did not make Halo Wars. The actual game is alot better than the demo. Many people bought Halo wars for the game, believe it or not.
Gamertag: maxzy555 Timezone: Eastern (+5:00 I think) Games: I play Halo 3 (infection is my favorite gametype), Halo Wars, Call of duty (lil...
The gametype used is all based on the map being played. Save one bullet may work on larger maps such as Last Resort, but playing it on Guardian is...
Im in
Please explain what you mean.
With all the mythic map pack codes floating around, ive gotten very jealous. sad face
I wish there was a better way to use more than one tier during gameplay other than teleporters. You could use mancannons and gravlifts to go...
No offence, but it was pretty hard to acually get a good view of some of the items. It seems like you were too busy flying around in camera mode...
Ive seen this map many times before. Im not sure if you made it but it's a common map.
Based on the X-play video the tunnel to the crypt looks rather long. Sad Face. It's going to be hard to connect the diffrent layers together.
Does anyone know if the videos are on youtube yet? The videos from ign wont load on my computer.
I remember reading somewhere that they do not snap to objects. There just there for guidelines.
It seems like your thinking of the base markers. The kill ball was made to kill.
I think im more disappointed then happy with this update. :( Edit: I see there adding more objects. Thats good. But im still dissapointed with...
Since the first time I watched one of there videos I knew they were ****. It's not that hard to find out who originaly made the map but there just...
The base looks excently(bad spelling) forged. Along with other people Ill say it does look a bit open but I think you did this to have more...
That phantom looks really cool and original. The only things I don't like is the bridges and double boxes. It would look nicer if they were...
I played this but it had a diffrent name. (I think the party leader changed the name :/) but the map+gametype is fun as hell and is worth a download.
I played with him the day this video came out. Me and my 2 friends owned him and I got a screenshot of his recon =D.