Nice job. Fuzzywig, you always make some of the best aesthetic maps. I'm wondering how you make the entire map underground, but I'm going to play...
Map Style: Competitive/Casual slayer, capture the flag, one bomb, ect. Map Name Preferences: Something Urban sounding. Map Quality Named After:...
I'm still a bit confused, but I'll just wait until you release it to check it out.
Can you explain how the enemy closes the portals? It looks pretty cool. It sounds like a great idea to only have some towers blocked.
I really like the idea of this map but their was one thing that made me delete it. The size. From the fork their was only 3 diffrent paths that...
What about the maps where you must travel to the camping spot, then hold off from there?
You have room for 13 more items...
Pretty nice map, reminds me of sandheart manor. It did seem like there was a lack of guns. With a full party the amount of guns inside the house...
A perfect example of how much the quality of Bungie Favorites has declined.
This is probably the first cops and robbers ive seen on Sandtrap. It looks pretty original from what I can see. Im going to download and try it...
Looks like a great cops and robbers map. Reminds me of my map Liberty City. I really like the story line you add to the map. One question...
Looks like a pretty cool map. My friends and I love playing Halo and when I show them this their going to love it. To be honest, I don't think...
How are you going to stop the attacking team from killing the VIP at the begining of the round?
If it's old news why would you post it?
Sound like a pretty cool idea. Im trying to think of movie maps that have been done and ones that I could do.
Nice find. Did you try saving the map or starting a new round after trying this?
Thats pretty cool. The barricade looks nicely made even though it's suppost to look messed up. A suggestion for you Sandbox version is to lessen...
I like the idea but is there a diffrent spawn for each class? Also the killballs seem in the way and mess up the flow of the map. I also like the...
If you have extra budget/items you could make the bases aesthetically pleasing. Such as making them sort of in the ground as if they were being...
I like the idea but it seems like you have more budget/items. Mabey you could build the station bigger by adding more terminals and you could also...