Get active. D:
Your avvy dance works well with Pokerface by Lady Gaga. Try it.
I did, they didn't seem to be bothered. I'm on an 18 month contract though. Sad.Face.
If I have a bad connection at your TGIF, ask me to leave, I'll be more than happy to. I'm having some speed issues with my ISP, just a heads up.
I have, damn callcentre. They have posted some new filters, and reccomended turning off my router, then turning it back on to get a new IP. I was...
Yeah, I've been haing bad internet problems as of late though. On average my download speed is 30 - 50 kb/s. Very, very lame.
You don't know me and I don't know you, buuuut, if you need to practice for the 1v1's I'll be happy to help. I've always wanted to 1v1 a good...
Ach, damn, have fun. :]
Do you plan to attend any TGIF's tommorrow good sir?
leik a baws.
0mg h4x!
To reply to visitor messages you need to click on their username then reply on their page, not your own. :P Welcome to FH by the way.
Welcome to Forgehub! Remember to Read the rules and I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. :)
"Grow the **** up." Win. Just win.
Like on the forums, like don't leave FH. You'd be suprised how many people do.
Just some random d00d, ha.
I <3 Hadouken!
I looked, tl;dr, I hate forge anyway
Meh, idk. Lets try this again; Hai I'm SmokinWaffle, nice to meet you.