As Nemi said it's either a Hosts file problem or a router problem, but I highly recommend installing Service Pack 2, it fixes a lot of bugs, this...
I do this too, trust me it's not odd, it's just a way of distinguishing the best from the rest I believe.
Stop getting into my sig dammit!
is there anything like this visualizer for windows?
That is sexy. Wallpaper?
Nemi on Windows? :0
<3 flr
It's quite hard on Ledg to do on your own, with friends it's quite fun. I say Heroic if your confident on solo, that should be the sweet spot,...
Sure, I'm up for this, I have a mic, done H3 on Ledg, and most of ODST on Ledg coop. Timezone: GMT GT: SmokinWaffle
You just edit the .ini. Right click the skin > Edit settings and it should be easy, it's very simple code.
This is just epic winsauce. YouTube - Noobz 4 Life (halo machinima)
Yeah it's the part of the Enigma skin, linky.