Umm first off not very original. Second armories=bad. Third your final stand is easily conquered because zombies can just jump through the back...
This idea has been made a thousand times. Plus your platforms looks completely random without much thought put into them. They are also placed...
Looks cool. The last one looks a lot like Matty's Reflex though.
Looks awesome. I believe I saw a similar tower on the map inevitable doom, which was also a fun game.
The center platform looks awesome. It also looks like it will be an intense game. Qued.
This looks epic. The whole bashing down the gate sounds very fun.
Plz put up pictures people and mods are really gonna get on your case about it.
I'm not sure if i agree on fast zombies, but the maps look pretty cool. So ill try with speed zombs.
Yay Hi jdrolesky its me!! I liked the map wasn't amazing but it was still fun. 3.654/5
Lol thats funny even though 7 people above me commented on how awesome it looks, when i went to dl it only had 2.
It sorta reminded me of pallet parade too! But no cool conveyer belt.
Looks crazy fun. Noob combo FTW lol.
Grr Armory, why? If you put an armory everyone is going to camp in the armory and it gets kinda boring. It may be super easy to throw some on...
AWESOME! Bungie needs to see this! Favs for sure
Umm ya all you did was say words and waste my time. NOT EVEN A LINK TO THE MAP!!!!!! Seriously comeon read the standards and take five minutes to...
Umm you know that you spelled biohazard wrong, right?
Some of your spawn points look really random. I would suggest trying to place more around the place with more of a purpose.
The curved bridge and gate look really cool. And yay for giving attackers some weapons. I can't tell you how many times I see bases with no...
So its a box? With some spawns? Thats it? hmm i think ive seen like 30 of these maps. None of them have been that interesting.
Cool Idea. qued!