BTW it was me joking don't take it too serious..................... I'm atheist
Green Thumb or Default(H3)/Recon(Reach). Toggle crouch and the legendary southpaw O_o?
Do the spawns work in the same way like in the original octagon? Players spawn on the opposite end of you. Also the aesthetics are nice but the...
Lol sorry if I fudged you up...
The new forge is alot more easy in reach so you probably won't need any partners. But with the new features partners could really help you make a...
but you will need a area from level 2 to level 1 when upside down
If there is a option for you to spawn inside vehicles and stay inside then there wont be a problem. If not I'll put AR as spawn weapon
Like on you un-offical map idea thread, buddha crane posted that the map flips around... It would be a cool Idea so we can go upside down and it...
it's an inclined hill so no... but if they can i'll set a man cannon so they can't do that, and rockets will make the ball move =)
there is already a thread on this... I have a dream to bring halo ball back to halo, I've made a thread on that...
Thanks for giving the situations that we will see. Helped alot, 1 point lost for not in the hill will work best then
Ya thats how the gametype works... lol this will be considered a spam post :(... But even if the ball is away from you you still gain points...
When I was writing my post before I didn't see what you wrot. But 60 sec hill spawns might be fine with the alternate routes
Ya, pretty simple... In possession though its more complicated. If someone hits your ball you lose the territory. Never mind I read it wrong =)...
S orta like a VIP spionoff? That would work but I think that with spawns on each level and hills moving slowly it would work... 90 sec hills? Also...
For possession the ball is the territory where you must touch it to cap it. Classic is bassicaly what you see in this vid YouTube - Halo Ball Part 1
LOL, post on mine then :) OT: make a grav lift from level 3 (left side) to level 4. It`ll be more fast paced then
easier = better. Nuff said /thread
You canhazbystealing :) OT: never mind on my OP, the map would be very, very cool IMO
The idea is cool but you should make a ramp from level 1-2. Also infinite AA would be good :) so icanzamerlockz inside of the hill