kk, please send me the friend request though, I'm off of XBL for today
whats with that rotating level in the ViDoc? Anyone know? If so message me
I already made a thread but here ya go mine got burried... Map Idea/Preview, Halo Ball Possession 1 rockethogs per team, gunners, 1 way...
no generator defense in multiplayer. I think its firefight only, I have had an idea like this but in my case 4v4 with one team defending pallets...
They will but.... This is the wrong forum section... 343 has been rumored to be making Halo 4runner :) see the pun
lol just joking
lol I thought with a name like sargeantSarcasm that you would have been joking :)
Lol ive been hacked multiple times so I'd rather not risk it. Lol thanks for the chatbox ban. I'll have a more open mind for posting pr0n in halo...
was it needed to post my IP....
Its not really needed, why because you can forge on every map. It would be nice though to have a change in scenery
lol, sorry if its spam...
Thanks, might not be needed because I found some people online who have beaten none of the missions so yeah thanks anyways
Cool idea but I think infection would be best with hologram AA. Also this is a test to see if my sig worked =)
set me up as a back up player. I might not be able to play at that day/time Actually I can't play at that time
You a girl right? Also I might be able to play in the tourney, my school starts on that week so I might no be able to
I currently have beaten all of the co-op missions except The River. I can never get someone to play it with me and when I'm lucky online it either...
ihazchezburger is related to the lolcats website, Icanhazchezburger.com. my gamertag though could not have the can so i put ihazchezburger
we already have awater vehicle.... The dingy =) and its already overpowered so it may not return :O
Can you post this online so I can download =). It would be very helpful
There is a level called winter contingency... The name kinda gives away the idea of snow