The kill balls are the only thing that piss me off other than that the map is fantastic its smooth and the aesthetics are very nice, the gametype...
Grade 9 is the easiest year of Junior high also don't worry if you **** up your life doesn't start in highschool... Also I played video games...
Hey guys... Late intro but whatever, I like forging, playing videos games and more things. I'm 12 and have half of a girlfriend..... Please note...
I wish I could draw like that... Really nice but the gun looks like its curves to one direction, might just be me the FAL in MW2 looked like it...
The editing Is kinda cheesy, the music is overused and it seems like you got clips from private lobbies and sniper only matches. You did.... Not...
I can nominate maps to be featured? Woah I seriously never knew that.... Srs Thanks but I've played a couple of times and I got bored so sorry I...
The sniper works great too though, for some reason the bullet hits the target immideatly instead of taking a second... Maybe its just me though
You embed your photos wrong, you used instead of uploading to Imageshack or photobucket. There is a guide you know I'll go find it......
I don't really like any of the maps that are featured now they get very boring very quick. It annoys me how they are putting maps like this now....
It's cool but there isn't much aesthetiucs to it. You should try to put a giant man where simon stands at, other than that very original. Only bad...
I believe its just the driver. You could be right though, I saw another vid and the mongoose was acting the same...
Lol at when your friend snuck by the infected guy. I'll sub to you the videos were good. Also thanks for showing me new areas of the jackson map
I'veseen an amazing map before for target training, I was very good to get warmups and such by doing it, this not so much. Moving targets are alot...
lol atleast they tried to remakeit....
It fails due mto the fact that there is no balancingin it 1-3 shots per kill, also the amount of glitches in it. Moder Warfare 1 was good because...
Its done by lowering your weapon offline
No, regeneration is a very cool idea but after a while when you get 2x overshield the match is in your favor. The enemy can really do much unless...
lol thanks I did google it BTW
I once posted modded content on my fileshare and I thought not a big deal being banned from using it. Now I'm getting games with perfections and...