I've seen it ya.... Lots of games take quotes from their first game others and put it as an achievement
They don't need to say anything... They are more bad assed than Emile
A large ***** shooting a golf ball down to the crypt, shaped as a vag, once the golfball falls down it opens a tele and boom BABY! Serious though,...
Oh put for respawn traits set it for slow shield recharge so we can have mild amounts of shields, it might make me want to play it again...
I can help I was going to forge with these guys anyways to help em out... Ihazchezburger is my GT Also we can have 4play :) BTW i have a high...
RuneScape SUX, gets boring just watching your character just attack geting five 0s then one 50....
whats CnC stand for? Also cool photo thanks for the free sig
Win, why doesnt your friend get a capture card so you can make a good montage
I wouldn't mind theres other great games TDU 2 GOW 3 Mortal Kombat 9 RDR Portal 2...
Certain FX can make it look like nightime, sundown, etc. so you can make it slowly turn to night, not the opposite though
Yeah but he barely put any in there....
Welcome to forgehub...
There has been gameplay on the concussion rifle you know
You need to put respawn points in respawn area, sorry if you didn't know that. Pretty cool idea for a pre-DLC map, its worth the DL IMO...
Same here hat except if my friend wants to do mongoose splatters than I go on the passenger with brute shot
Its not done by lowering but by meleeing and reload simultaneously. Video of weapon lowering, includes sniper YouTube- How To Lower and Raise...
Lol it works on my screen :)
Pro Pipe :) and DMR. Magnums my favorite right beside the Pro Pipe, but its not new
Lol, never saw anything like that. Heres the photo for people who are lazy [img]