Are you Online Now? I went out 4 cheezborgers :D Anyway, I'm back now, so if your online i'll have a game or two. Cheers, T.G.
Hey Bloodfire you online? (XBL)
Hey Bloodfire, what did you think about my maps? Send me a private message or something with some feedback if you can. Cheers, T.G.
Hey Nitro, The zombie maps have played like hot cakes! Most especially like Black Chapel, just hope my map is finished tommorow so that I can...
Hey Sweeney, Could you make a decision on the friends request for xbl because I have very limited places for my friends list. I have created a...
Hey Bloodfire, could you leave a friends place open for 24 please so that I can add you ensuring that I can add you. Cheers, T.G.
Hey Bloodfire, can you clear a space on your friends list on XBL so that I can add you. Cheers, T.G.
This Sunday will be possible. I will have severe sleep deprivation, but also by then I should have a shiny new map in development, which is as...
Hey nitro, Can't make that one :( When is the next one after that? T.G.
Hey nitro, If you could keep me updated when the next brainfest is planned, as I am wanting to bring my 3 maps to the table: Black Chapel:...
Hey NOV3D, (Replying to the message 4 days ago on page 7) Oops, I never got a message saying you'd replied so I assumed you never did....
Hey Bloodfire, I'm back from my expedition, so I'll add you on Xbox Live ASAP. I have an idea of which I am wanting to create. A storyboard will...
Hey Bloodfire, just add me if you can: got to go out I'll accept it later. Got an expedition this weekend so wont be online for it but I'm free...
Nope, but they will be within the next 24 hours. Just need some time to word crunch :P and even then, I might be posting it differently than to...
Hey Blood Fire, I've watched your previous zombie recomendations, and I know how you like a unique zombie map design, so if you're looking for a...
Oh yeah also, you mentioned how you were a filmaker; could you help me with a suitable advertising campaign for my maps (e.g. a machinima, or just...
Hey sweeney, just joined zombie inc recently, you had a go at either of my zombie maps yet? Any chance at a sneek peek at manifest II :P...
Cheers mate for the invite, I will ensure that I bring more and more content for you guys to play. I will be releasing my next map very soon for...
Hey nitrotomato, I've chatted to Tartan Spartan and he's got the links to the map. He should've downloaded it so ask him about it or download...
Hey Tartan, Come to the Brainfest this weekend to play my latest maps! Cheers, T.G.